Jody Collie
Principal – Body Corporate Manager
JP (Qual)
A little about us
Principal – Body Corporate Manager
JP (Qual)
Jody entered the Body Corporate industry in 1991 and has worked in all areas of the business. Starting as an Accounts Clerk, he moved on to Audit Preparation and Administration Management within a few short years.
During his time, Jody has provided personal and corporate training to other industry personnel. For many years, Jody hosted and convened formal training under the umbrella of Strata Communities Australia (formerly known as the Community Titles Institute of Queensland).
Now, with over 30 years of industry experience, Jody is well equipped to provide Bodies Corporate with the advice they require to ensure proper compliance with the governing legislation.
Sue has a great knowledge and understanding of the Administrative needs of our Body Corporate Clients.
Sue’s strongest skill is her ability to ensure that every detail of every administrative task is accurately and effectively completed.
Her other strength, is her constant and empathetic approach to ensuring all monies owed to the Body Corporate are received in a timely manner.
Body Corporate Manager
Linda joined Colcan Strata during 2022.
She brings experience of a long career in the administration of Bodies Corporate on the Sunshine Coast. Her previous employment has equipped Linda to provide assistance and general advice in relation to maintenance requirements for Bodies Corporate, and hands on dealing with Insurance Claims
Linda has been very well received by her clients, and her practical and forthright approach as a Body Corporate Manager provides Bodies Corporate with the correct advice and legislated direction.
She is always willing to assist when required to do so.